GRIP: smart software for conditions management. Here it comes…
Recentes and AXI are jointly developing modern and innovative software for supplier conditions: GRIP. Partspoint Group (AD Nederland, Brezan and Staadegaard TC) is the first user.
This is what procurement managers and controllers have been waiting for! Finally taking control of bonuses, media contributions, growth scales and other revenue.
This package is extremely advanced yet at the same time ultimately user friendly. The complexity of supplier contracts and conditions is simplified using wizards and flexible reporting.
All kinds of conditions can be calculated, also retrospectively. Prognoses and annual settlement. Annual contracts and loose agreements. Invoicing proposals and multi-year comparisons. Detailed spend analyses.
Controllers, managers, buyers are assigned their own roles and authorities. Data are gathered using XML from source systems; always the latest figures!
Feel like a demo? We’re ready and willing!
Call us for an appointment or documentation +31 (0)6 49614231