September 12, 2019
The Financials For Financials meeting was held yesterday, at PartsPoint Group in Ede. Of course a tour of this newly opened distribution centre formed part of the programme. Martien Peeters also gave a short presentation about the organisation.
Robert Segaar and I (Gerrit Eikenaar) were also given the opportunity to talk about our experience in the field of purchasing control, on behalf of Recentes. And about GRIP, the software package that we have developed in cooperation with AXI. We really enjoyed the meeting, as you can see in the photos. We hope that all the financial professionals who attended had as interesting an afternoon/evening as we did.
Thank you to Frans de Vos for organising this gathering. And thank you to Martien and your colleagues for your hospitality! We enjoyed taking a look behind the scenes at the PartsPoint Group!